Online workshops
2025 bookings now open!
Burnt-out to lit-up
The Prevention and Management of Educator Burnout – SA Teachers are Gatvol! Managing your most valuable assets – Your Staff
Platinum 100 Schools membership package 2025
Electronic cigarette usage amongst Primary and High School Learners has become a national crisis. Findings in a recent research article published in The Lancet, indicated that 16,83% of Primary School Learners and 36,83% of High School Learners vaped on a weekly basis.
This workshop provides school managers with the tools to eradicate the culture of vaping by understanding the addiction levels, the cognitive factors and implementing current legislation, utilising the schools code of conduct and disciplinary measures. This is a school-wide approach.
Monster in my classroom
A Workshop on the Development of a Strategy and the Implementation of Policy for the Prevention and Management of Bullying Behaviour
Burnt-out to lit-up
“There’s a Monster in my Classroom” – A Workshop on Creating a Positive Discipline Environment for the Z and Alpha Generation.
An essential 2 Hour Workshop for Primary and High School Educators.
Platinum 100 Schools membership package 2025
Cyber – Proof your School. An essential workshop for every member of your academic Staff
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber incident to ruin it.”
- 2 engaging learner talks (or 2 staff workshops instead)
- 1 comprehensive staff development workshop with Dr. John Buswell
- Access to our Child Safeguarding Legal Helpline
- 15% discount on additional training and resources
Monster in my classroom
What is Child Safeguarding in Schools?
The Schools Amendment Act clearly states that all staff are to be trained in Child Safeguarding. Child Safeguarding refers to all of the actions the school takes to keep all children they come into contact with safe – and includes the proactive measures put in place to ensure that children do not come to harm or when they are harmed, the correct reporting procedures are followed.
Burnt-out to lit-up
An essential 2Hr workshop for all staff in the education sector. Presented by Dr John Buswell
First Aiders save many lives in the world every day, the ability to provide basic CPR to a person having a heart attack, enables the Cardiologist to perform their role as a specialist. Every Educator should have the basic skills to provide Emotional First Aid when needed in an emergency and then refer to a professional. These workshops provide those skills.
Burnt-out to lit-up
An essential 2Hr workshop for all staff in the education sector. Presented by Dr John Buswell
First Aiders save many lives in the world every day, the ability to provide basic CPR to a person having a heart attack, enables the Cardiologist to perform their role as a specialist. Every Educator should have the basic skills to provide Emotional First Aid when needed in an emergency and then refer to a professional. These workshops provide those skills.
At Buswell and Associates, we are deeply committed to schools and understand the opportunities and challenges that you face. We deliver high quality training, products and advice to schools on a national scale at affordable prices. Recognised as a leading service provider in the South African education sector, we have a team of specialists with experience in all aspects of school management and provide accessible, independent and committed advice.
Areas of expertise:
- School governance
- Child protection
- Safety
- Staff wellness
- Policy and protocol development
- Cyber Safety
- Sexuality
- Educator Burnout

Some of our clients

Send us a contact form or an email

We will make contact and set up details

The workshop will take place at your school