Here you can find the booking form for the Platinum 100 schools membership package 2025. Remember, only 100 schools can join so book your spot now! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of school: *Contact person: * workshops: of dates Cell phone number: *Email Address: *Physical adress: *Package selection: (Choose one) *1x Staff development workshop and 2x learner talks2x Staff development workshops onlyGrades R – 4(Options)The “Not on my watch” Anti-Bullying presentation.An introduction to Cyber SafetyChild Safeguarding PresentationGrades 5 – 7 (Options) The “Not on my watch” Anti-Bullying presentation.An introduction to Cyber Safety and the prevention of Gaming AddictionThe Prevention and Management of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, including the dangers of Vaping.Mental Wellness – The Prevention of Learner Burnout and Dealing with Academic StressReproductive Health and Teen Sexuality. (Grades 6/7)An Introduction to Study Skills and Time ManagementHigh School (Options)Reproductive Health and Teen Sexuality (Gr 8/9)Challenges Facing Teens – “ Keeping yourself safe from dusk to dawn”. The Prevention and Management of Sexual Assault.The “Not on my watch” Anti-Bullying presentation.An introduction to Cyber Safety and the Prevention of Gaming AddictionThe Prevention and Management of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, including the dangers of Vaping.Mental Wellness – The Prevention of Learner Burnout and Dealing with Academic StressAn Introduction to Study Skills and Time ManagementStaff Development Workshops – Duration: 2 HoursThere’s a Monster in my Classroom and the Staff Room – A Workshop on Creating a Positive Discipline Environment for the Z and Alpha Generation.SA Teachers are Gatvol! – A transformation from Burnt Out to Lit Up! An Essential workshop on Positive Mental Health.“Cyber Proof your School” – Empowering Educators to Navigate the Cyber World with Confidence and Safety.Child Safeguarding – An Essential Workshop on the Obligation to Report, Case Management and the Changes in South African Law.Emotional First Aid for Educators – An Introduction to Basic Counselling and Dealing with a Traumatised Child.“Bully-Proof your School” – The “Not on My Watch” Anti-Bullying Workshop for Educators.A Cyber Security Workshop for the Educational Environment – Preventing Cyber-Attacks and the Loss of Valuable InformationRequested dates for workshops: *Invoice details:SubmitCheck out our linked in: John Buswell Buswell and associates