Legal Packages

Here you can find information on the different Legal packages we provide

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Platinum Package

The Platinum school’s governance, legal support and child protection membership package 2020/2021

Dear Principal,

School governance in South Africa is about the single most important factor in education that appears to experience apparently insurmountable challenges.

At Dr John Buswell and Associates, we are deeply committed to schools and understand the opportunities and challenges that you face. We deliver high quality training, products and advice to schools on a national scale at affordable prices. Recognised as a leading service provider in the South African education sector, we have a team of specialists with experience in all aspects of school management and provide accessible, independent and committed advice.

Following consultation with many of our heads of schools, we are proud to launch our Platinum schools’ membership at only R1, 950-00. (Your school will be afforded the option to renew your membership after 1 calendar year)

As a Platinum school member, you will receive the following:

A. Code of conduct – An external legal review audit

Following numerous allegations of racist practices at schools around the country, we have noted that most Codes of Conduct at South African schools comply with the constitution but polices are often implemented unevenly in many cases and make learners feel uncomfortable.

Legal review and audit

Our educational legal team, will provide a full legal review/audit of your schools Code of Conduct to ensure that:

  • There are no policies’ or clauses that could lead to the school being accused of structural racism or institutional discrimination.
  • Your Code of conduct and disciplinary processes are aligned with the latest legislation.
  • All Codes of conduct policies are comprehensive, legal and current.
  • Your Code of conduct represents the “whole school” positive behaviour approach and is inclusive.

Additional Policy documents to be audited:

  • Admission policy
  • Staff equity policy
  • Language policy
  • Religious policy
  • HIV Policy


B. A copy of the guidelines to the Codes of Conduct and Disciplinary procedure Hand guide (electronic copy)

The purpose of this valuable hand guide is to assist staff and management with the following:

  • To align the school’s disciplinary proceedings with the latest legislation
  • To advise schools of their obligations and administrative procedures for disciplinary procedures for disciplinary proceeding as contained in the codes of conduct for learners as adopted by each school

To give guidelines on conducting a disciplinary hearing and the due process to safe guard the interests of the learner and party involved in the disciplinary procedure

Topics covered in this hand guide/support pack

1. The Schools Codes of Conduct

A legal perspective, objectives and requirements, processes for the establishment, scope, structural framework for a supportive and restorative codes legal infringements.

2. School rules

Categories and the accommodation of religious or cultural practices.

3. The disciplinary procedure

The management of the process, guiding principles, school governance, administrative action, hearings, suspension, notices, collective action appeals, role of the chair, evidence leader, mitigating circumstances and the media.

4. Whole school governance manual – 6 products in one, for the exclusive use of your management team as well as all educators. This product includes the following manuals:

  • Child protection manual (Ensuring compliance with all reporting obligations)
  • School safety manual (Ensuring compliance with the NOASH Act)
  • A comprehensive school discipline manual
  • Staff wellness manual
  • Prevention and management of racism and segregation manual

These manuals contain policy documents as well as templates for all Umalusi audit requirements.

C. Legal consultation – help desk- school governance solutions focused and pragmatic advice

Out team of legal experts are available to Platinum schools on a 24-hour basis. We serve as a single point of reference for schools, providing access to the expertise of our educational legal services team. Together, we have sector specific knowledge and experience.

Our aim is to empower our clients’ decision making and help them find effective solutions to the legal issues.

The help desk provides consultancy, advice and immediate input to the following:

  • Review of any litigation documents sent by an attorney on behalf of a learner/parent
  • Disciplinary hearing case management( Staff, educators and learners)
  • Codes of conduct queries
  • Drawing up of charge sheets
  • Allegations and reports of sexual assault and abuse cases
  • Drug search and testing advice
  • Peer victimisation
  • Social media issues/pornography/harassment
  • The death of a learner or member of staff
  • Staff discipline issues

D. Benefits to becoming a Platinum school

  • Instant access to competent, sound legal advice
  • Improved governance in the school, which is more effective in raising or maintaining high standards
  • Avoidance of legal litigation which can be very costly
  • A support mechanism to management and the school based support team to ensure legislative compliance when reporting cases
  • Compliance with the criminal procedures act, children’s and sexual offences acts
  • A regular review of your Codes of conduct in order to provide an inclusive and appropriate set of rules.
  • Member schools receive legal updates on any changes in legislation and case law
Professional development forum

Membership to The Uyazi? Professional Development Forum

Interns, Educators, Social Workers, OT’s and Psychologists

      (A once-off individual membership fee of only R120-00) 

Having trained over 30,000 Educators and Health Care Professionals over the last 25 years, I have had the privilege of forming relationships with many dedicated professionals who really make a huge difference in the Basic Education environment. We have had many requests from individuals who would dearly like to have access to our products, Services and training material in their private capacity, often due to severe budgetary restraints within the school environment.

Here is your opportunity to join our professional forum for only a once-off membership fee of R120-00 and have access to the following at no additional cost:


  • Access to our dedicated Uyazi? Help Line, providing Legal Advice as well as Psychological Support
  • A monthly newsletter covering issues of Child Protection, Discipline, Legislative changes and current topics
  • Preferential rates and booking privileges on all future workshops
  • A copy of our Barriers to Learning Program for Educators and Health Care Professionals
  • SACE accredited certificate (CPTD allocation/Type 3/5 Points/ Leadership and Management.) per workshop completed
  • You will receive a download link to 20 of our top Pre-recorded Workshops, Workbooks and Comprehensive Memorandums. We have put together a series of critical Staff Development Training Products that incorporate all new legislative changes that are relevant to the Basic Education Sector, from Pre-Primary to High School. The Series is divided into two sections, the first covers all aspects of the legal obligations that Educators/Health Care Professionals are faced with and the second part provides educators with the knowledge and skills to support learners with emotional issues that they may have to deal with on a daily basis.

Workshop topics include:

  • My Legal Rights and Obligations as a Professional working within the school environment
  • An Introduction to Trauma and Trauma Counselling
  • Basic Counselling
  • Dealing with the Death of a member of the school community
  • Dealing with the disclosure of Sexual Assault
  • Dealing with Physical Abuse and Child Neglect
  • A Social Media Guide For Educators and Parents
  • Clinical Depression, Suicidal Ideation and Self-Mutilation
  • Sexual Harassment within the school environment
  • Dealing with Gender Identity and the Learner who decides to make a change
  • Teaching Sexuality in the School environment

SACE accredited certificate (CPTD allocation/Type 3/5 Points/ Leadership and Management.) per workshop completed

How do I join The Uyazi? Professional Development Forum?

Make a once-off payment of R120-00 into the below Bank Account using your name as our reference.

Barriers to Learning manual

An essential product for every educator who deals with children that may experience barriers to learning from Pre-School to High School

All staff will have access to this fantastic teaching tool for only R395-00 Per school

Since the return to school after multiple lockdowns, the school environment has become exceptionally difficult and very demanding of teachers. More and more learners are being diagnosed with disorders which can cause barriers to learning. These need to be managed by the teacher in the classroom. Often, teachers do not know what the symptoms of various disorders are and therefore interpret the child’s behaviour as misbehaviour which leads to disciplining the child. This can be very frustrating for the child and the teacher.

The purpose of this manual is to:

  • Help teachers to understand the nature and symptoms of disorders
  • Help teachers to identify possible barriers to learning
  • Provide tips on how to manage these in the classroom
  • Assisting with early identification and intervention 
  • Making the appropriate referral

The manual is divided into the following sections.

  1. Introduction
  2. Relevant Department of Basic Education policies and white papers
  3. Identifying the symptoms of disorders, referring to the right professional and management in the classroom


  1. Child and adolescent Psychiatrist
  2. Neurologist
  3. Paediatrician
  4. Educational Psychologist
  5. Clinical Psychologist
  6. Counselling Psychologist
  7. Speech and Hearing Therapist
  8. Occupational Therapist
  9. Physiotherapist
  10. Optometrist
  11. Audiologist


  1. Understanding the effects of scheduled medication for chronic illnesses and the management of the symptoms in the classroom


  1. Intellectual disabilities
  2. Communication disorders
  1. Language disorders
  2. Speech sound disorder
  3. Stuttering
  4. Social (pragmatic) communication disorder
  1. Autism Spectrum disorders
  2. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  3. Specific Learning Disorder
  4. Tic disorders
  5. Motor disorders
  1. Developmental co-ordination
  2. Stereotypical movement disorder


  1. Bi-polar depression
  2. Depressive disorders
  1. Disruptive mood regulation disorder
  2. Major depressive disorder 
  1. Anxiety disorders
  1. Separation anxiety disorder
  2. Selective mutism
  3. Specific phobia
  4. Social anxiety disorder
  5. Panic disorder
  6. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  2. Body dysmorphic disorder
  3. Anorexia
  4. Hair pulling and skin picking
  5. Trauma and stressor related disorders
  1. Reactive attachment disorder
  2. Disinhibited social engagement disorder
  3. Posttraumatic stress disorder for 6 years and younger and older than 6 years
  4. Acute stress disorder
  5. Adjustment disorders


  1. Oppositional Defiance Disorder
  2. Intermittent explosive Disorder
  3. Conduct disorder


  1. Stimulant-related Disorders (drugs and alcohol)
  1. Alcohol intoxication
  2. Cannabis use disorders and cannabis intoxication
  3. Inhalant intoxication
  1. Neurocognitive disorder due to HIV
  2. Relational Problems (parents and siblings)
  3. Abuse and Neglect


  1. Visual impairments
  2. Auditory impairments
  3. Sensory Integration
  4. Cerebral Palsy
  5. Down’s syndrome
  6. Albinism
  7. Epilepsy



How to order this product for your school:

  • Click on the link below OR
  • Make a payment of R395-00 into our bank account using your schools name as a reference
  • Send a copy of your Proof of Payment to along with the following information:
  • Schools name/ Person responsible for order/ Invoice details/ email address